16 years – minimum 5 GCSE passes in (4-9 or A-C)
All our apprenticeships are designed in conjunction with our employers, who we like to call partners. This means that no two programmes are the same and that each apprenticeship is developed to be a bespoke piece of learning framed around the employer organisation we’re working with.
There can be a mixture of the following delivery types to suit each employer:
Live – online
Face to face in the workplace
Face to face on campus
Based on our initial assessments/diagnostics and learners educational Healthcare plans (EHCP’s) we can provide additional learning support that is tailored to the individual.
We also provide support on career development, digital skills, safeguarding, prevent/channel and wellbeing.
Employers must allow the Apprentice to spend a minimum of 6hrs per week on “off the job” training
Employers must provide a mentor to the apprentice who will support the apprenticeship
Employers must take part in tri-partied reviews every 12 weeks as a minimum